Topic outline

  • Welcome to the  online course on `How to become a digital inclusive teacher`. If you teach 10 - 19 year-old students you might find here what you have always been looking for. Here we offer you a set of tools that might help you to change your way of teaching in a wider range of inclusiveness than before. Feel free to do the whole course which will take you about 10 - 15 hours if you do all the tasks requested. The main exercises appear at the end of each module. There will be some reflection task in the modules that are designed solely to deepen your understanding of the topic.

    You will find additional supportive tools on our digital platform:

    Duration: 2 / 3 hours minimum for each module

  • Welcome to the third module.

    This Module is based on the learnings of critical global citizenship education.

    In this module you should

    • analyze excluding aspects and barriers (both technical barriers and mental barriers in people's minds)
    • gain knowledge about discrimination categories (migration, disability, gender, socio-economic background) and possibilities of inclusive thinking
    • gain knowledge about the social and digital needs of different target groups
    • learn how to identify and avoid exclusionary teaching practices